Thin filament(s) found singly or in tufts used for motility.
Double-stranded DNA circle containing extra genes.
Protein coated packet containing enzymes/proteins.
Stored nutrients (fat, phosphate or gylcogen)
in dense granules.
Outermost layer serving protective, adhesive and receptor type functions.
Appendage for attachment
to another bacteria, used to transfer DNA.
Long supportive protein fibers inside cell membrane.
Semirigid casing that provides structural support.
Extra membrane containing lipopolysaccharide found in some bacterial.
Fine, hairlike bristles extending from cell surface for adhesion.
Monolayer of protein used for protection and/or attachment.
Water-based solution filling the entire cell.
The site of protein synthesis; made of protein & rRNa.
Condensed circular DNA; contains instructions for making all bacterial proteins.
The phospholipid bilayer and protein membrane that surrounds the cytoplasm.